New Aims for the Substance Use Prevention Field
SAMHSA established the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network in 2018 to support the workforce that substance use prevention workforce. A top priority for the PTTC Network includes improving the quality of substance use prevention efforts.
In response, the NIATx team has developed a set of project aims and sample aim statements for the prevention field:
NIATx Change Project Aim Statement Examples for Prevention
Ideas for Change Project Focus Areas & Aims:
- Coalition Functioning
- Increase meeting attendance
- Increase sector representation
- Increase number of volunteer hours logged
- Prevention Evidence-Based Practices Implementation
- Increase number of schools using programs
- Increase number of schools meeting program fidelity standards
- Increase parent attendance at program sessions
- Increase parent completion rate of programs with multiple sessions
- Increase communication reach of messaging media campaign
Aim Statement Examples:
Coalition Process Functioning
- Increase coalition meeting attendance from 50% to 85% by Date.
- Increase sector representation within the coalition from 6 to 10 by Date.
- Increase the number of volunteer hours (e.g. running Coalition sub-committees; etc.) from 15 hrs./month to 30 hrs./month by Date.
Prevention EBP Implementation
- Increase number of schools using Project Towards No Drug Abuse program from 7 to 15 by Date.
- Increase average number of parents attending the Strengthening Families Programf from 10 per/mtg to 20 per/mtg by Date.
- Increase number of parents completing 80% or more of the Strengthening Families sessions from 20% to 50% by Date.
- Increase number of schools meeting fidelity standards for the All Stars program from 3 to 10 by Date.
- Increase communication reach* of the Prescription Storage Education campaign from 20% to 35% of the community by Date. (*number of individuals interacting with campaign)
To learn more, visit the Great Lakes PTTC website page, Process Improvement in Behavioral Health