Process improvement for behavioral health


New Aims for the Substance Use Prevention Field

SAMHSA established the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network in 2018 to support the workforce that substance use prevention workforce. A top priority for the PTTC Network includes improving the quality of substance use prevention efforts.

In response, the NIATx team has developed a set of project aims and sample aim statements for the prevention field:

NIATx Change Project Aim Statement Examples for Prevention

Ideas for Change Project Focus Areas & Aims:

  1. Coalition Functioning
  • Increase meeting attendance
  • Increase sector representation
  • Increase number of volunteer hours logged
  1. Prevention Evidence-Based Practices Implementation
  • Increase number of schools using programs
  • Increase number of schools meeting program fidelity standards
  • Increase parent attendance at program sessions
  • Increase parent completion rate of programs with multiple sessions
  • Increase communication reach of messaging media campaign

Aim Statement Examples:

Coalition Process Functioning

  • Increase coalition meeting attendance from 50% to 85% by Date.
  • Increase sector representation within the coalition from 6 to 10 by Date.
  • Increase the number of volunteer hours (e.g. running Coalition sub-committees; etc.) from 15 hrs./month to 30 hrs./month by Date.

Prevention EBP Implementation

  • Increase number of schools using Project Towards No Drug Abuse program from 7 to 15 by Date.
  • Increase average number of parents attending the Strengthening Families Programf from 10 per/mtg to 20 per/mtg by Date.
  • Increase number of parents completing 80% or more of the Strengthening Families sessions from 20% to 50% by Date.
  • Increase number of schools meeting fidelity standards for the All Stars program from 3 to 10 by Date.
  • Increase communication reach* of the Prescription Storage Education campaign from 20% to 35% of the community by Date. (*number of individuals interacting with campaign)

To learn more, visit the Great Lakes PTTC website page, Process Improvement in Behavioral Health