The NIATx Change Virtual Leader Academy (CLA)
Now is the perfect time to learn the NIATx model of process improvement! The NIATx Change Leader Academy has given thousands of organizations the tools to make real changes that improve their systems of care and enhance financial fitness. Many have used NIATx in times of urgency to rapidly assess needs, focus team plans for action, and implement changes that produce quick results.
The NIATx model can help you tackle today’s challenges!
2025 Change Leader Academy Schedule

The CLA trains change leaders in the NIATx model of process improvement: a structured, team-based approach to change management for organizations large and small.
Attendees learn how to select a change project, set a project aim, engage senior leaders and staff in the change process, and achieve measurable, sustainable improvements.
Following the CLA virtual workshop, participants commit to carrying out a change project back at their agency focusing on an area of their choosing.

Peer networking and support from a NIATx coach
NIATx believes effective change management is learned through practice and sharing lessons learned with peers. While conducting their projects, CLA participants participate in an optional technical assistance call with a NIATx coach.
Past CLA participants have led successful projects to:
- reduce no-shows and wait times for appointments
- increase admissions and retention in treatment
- reduce 30-day hospital readmissions
- improve hand-offs between levels of care
- expand services
And many other measurable improvements!

Who Should Attend?
Anyone interested in leading change or improving service delivery in their organization: Senior leaders, managers, supervisors and front-line staff from behavioral healthcare, recovery services, criminal justice, and social services.
The CLA provides both beginners and those with some experience in process improvement with the tools to lead change projects and teams within their organization.
Learning Objectives & Deliverables
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain the NIATx principles and change model to team members and begin a change project.
- Use four, key quality improvement tools - the walk-through; flowcharting; the nominal group technique; and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) rapid cycle testing.
- Commit to carrying out a change project in their organization.
- Offer a standard approach to process improvement in their agency and begin to develop staff to be change leaders and engaged, change team members.
NAADAC CE hours Available
Questions? Contact:
Jeanne Pulvermacher at
Scott Gatzke at